Plot: Tekken means 'Iron Fist' in Japanese. Introduction: A glorious and long history, five official sequels and several spin-offs, lots of characters and fun.And the priceless pleasure of hearing the announcer voice shouting 'K.O.!' when You beat the enemy on the ground! This is the game that made me (and millions of players) love this genre and this saga because of the good difficulty balance, the wide selection of moves, the different endings, the good graphics and sounds.
(Uhmmm.A bit laggy, but still fun!) -Genre: Fighting -Developer and Publisher: Namco -Year: 1997 (arcade) - 1998/2011 (Playstation/Playstation Network) -Players: single/multiplayer (Vs) -In a fistful of words: Together with Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, this game is on the pinnacle of the fighting games cathedral, one of the first 3D fighting games. Tekken 3 (Japan, TET1-VER.E1) Review by: Jamal999 - 9.5/10 K.O.! What a shame! No one wrote a single line of review for this masterpiece? We must remedy! XD (I know You were too busy playing the game, so I wrote this review for all Vizzed members ) ).